Unspiced Witbier?

I recently found out Upright Brewing will give me free fresh 3711 slurry whenever I want, and I was considering playing with that yeast a little, since my previous experiments with it were relatively successful. For one, I thought about doing an unspiced witbier, just 45% 2-row, 40% flaked wheat, 5% flaked oats and 10% rice hulls ~ 1.048, maybe 17-20 IBU. Has anyone brewed an unspiced witbier and regretted it?

I only use 14g total spices in a spiced wit beer and let the yeast do its thing.

Using 3711 I don’t add anything at all as it does the job just fine- very aromatic.

I personally like the punch of fresh citrus zest and coriander, but to each their own.

Gotta ask - why are you including rice hulls as a percent of your grist?

One time I forgot to include them in the mash calcs, and ended up not hitting my temp - so now I act like they are part of the grist, so as not to forget about their specific heat.