
Tried this a couple months ago. Very special taste treat for a local brewery opening. Never had anything like it before (and probably can’t afford it again anytime soon!) 3 oz taste at the bar shared amongst 4 of us. Just loved it!
If you can find it( and have the funds) I highly recommend it( to paraphrase Ferris Bueller)

Yeah I got a bottle of the 2013 for my birthday… Have not opened it.  I’ve tried 4-5 years of it.  It was a thoughtful gift but I don’t think it’s worth the $ they charge for it.  I’m still waiting on my ‘free’ glass to drink it out of.  They can’t ship it to Michigan so I had to have it shipped to someone else in IL, and last I went and visited them I forgot my glass.

my friend’s review of Utopias was “a rabid alcohol-soaked rat clawing its way down my throat”

…I don’t think it’s that bad - basically the rat isn’t rabid - but it’s definitely not my thing.

High praise  :D    A helluva bargain for a few hundred $$ then.

I’ve always enjoyed it but I can’t say I’ve loved it.

I thought it had interesting flavor but just way too sweet to enjoy it. I was given a half ounce for free at a tasting and that was about as much as I ever want of it.

Supposedly this is the evolution of their old Triple Bock. Sounds like it hasn’t evolved too far. At least they got the teriyaki sauce thing cleaned up.

I’ve had it twice, two separate years.  I think it is awesome. :slight_smile:

I had this the first year it came out. Was like 20% beer syrup and not very impressive. I was a bit angry because a small bottle was $20 and that would buy quite a bit of beer back then.

And haven’t heard much positive about Utopia since.

Split a bottle with some club mates 7 or 8 years ago. Wouldn’t buy a bottle myself, but it was worth the $5 per investment.

I think you’re recalling the Triple Bock.  Small blue bottle, right?

I had several vintages, back in the day, but never really enjoyed them.  It was a lot like alcoholic soy sauce.

I split a bottle of Utopia on my birthday a few years back when it first came out.  I have no recollection of what it tasted like at that point.

Yes it was the triple bock in the slender blue bottle and a cork to boot! Isn’t Utopia just the serial continuation? Different bottle tho.

Having tried the alcoholic soy sauce, I don’t think triple bock and Utopias taste anything alike.

I’d agree with that.  I also wouldn’t pay money for either one

I still have a couple bottles of Triple Bock from 1995.
I’ve had Utopias about three times, once when Jamil was celebrating winning Ninkasi, once when a bunch of us pitched in and shared a bottle and once that I can’t remember, but it was at an NHC.

If I remember correctly, some of the barrels from the triple bock were put to use for utopia but the base beer for utopia is a doppelbock that gets a number of repeated maple syrup additions. Then it’s barrel aged and blended.

Thank goodness for that.

I wonder what the difference is, then. The triple bock was oak-aged, and used significant maple syrup additions as well.

Triple bock was still.  Is Utopia carbonated?  I honestly have zero recollection of it other than to know that I drank it on my front porch.  Sometime between my 30th and 35th birthdays.

Utopias is uncarbonated as well.  Def not meant to be drank in 1 sitting :smiley: