Vanilla extract

I used some pure vanilla extract and added to a mild stout to taste and then doubled the amount right before bottling.  Two weeks went by and the vanilla had disappeared.  What happened?

I have heard that this can happen. I have no idea of the science behind it but I would suspect oxidative effects or possibly yeast metabolism?

or perhaps the sample was not thouroughly mixed so you were getting alot more vanilla in the taste than the actual ratio you finally ended up adding?

I’ve never had a problem with vanilla extract disappearing in my porter.  It’s there from start to finish.  I tend to go heavy on it, but it doesn’t seem to fade.

I would lean towards Mort’s suggestion that maybe it wasn’t well mixed.

wait!!! your agreeing with me?  ;D


You’re not supposed to tell anyone!

Store-bought vanilla extract is nasty and of very low flavor.  To get good vanilla flavor, you need one of two things: 1) actual vanilla beans, or 2) Mexican/Central American vanilla extract.  Otherwise I wouldn’t be surprised at all if the flavor is gone as commercial vanilla extract is crap.