I have two VERY cool hobbies.
The first, of course, is HomeBrewing.
The second - I am a professional Wood Worker.
I find the greatest thrill when my two hobbies come together - such is the case when I make Mash Paddles for my customers. This particular customer is probably known by the vast majority of the AHA - HopUnion llc.
HopUnion approached me a couple of years ago. They saw a Mash Paddle I designed a gave to Sam Calagione - owner of DogFish Head Brewery, http://lumberjocks.com/projects/57064 and wanted to know if I would be willing to work with them to design ten paddles - each with the carved logo of their craft brewery customers.
Here’s the results:
The work was tricky and tiresome at times, but when all was done I was VERY happy with the outcome. So was HopUnion - so much in fact that they have hired me since for three more very special paddles. Two of which were used a prizes for the 2012 and 2013 AHA Homebrew competition!
I have also had the fortune of building six-pack holders, beer crates as well as other brewing related objects for customers over the years.
Oh yeah - here’s a REALLY cool video of Sam @ Dogfish Head using one of my paddles to stir in: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GdoFwQOc87A&list=PLBF0519879F384EEA
All-in-all, nothing compares to homebrewing though!
Bob Rhoades
Severn, MD