Veterans Day

I would like to wish all who served to protect our great country a very happy and safe Veterans Day!

Thank you for your service!



Yes, thank you all!

We sleep soundly in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm. — Winston Churchill

Happy Veterans Day.

Hear, hear!

Sugar Creek Malt is having a Veterans day sale (30% off), if anyone is looking for interesting malts (oaxacan green corn, malted black rice, lavender smoked malt, bourbon barrel aged chocolate malt, etc.). I believe they have a few vets that work there.

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Amen! It is because of those who put themselves in danger that we are able to live in this great and free land. I thank God for them and pray for their safety.

this article is a little messy, but i kind of get what hes trying to say.