Viennice Beach

Studied cat 3 last night. Today I bought me a couple Negara Modelos. Tried my hand had filling out a score sheet. I gave it a 37 by the way.

Now I’m brewing one. (Ya, night shift guy)

Viennice Beach
3 lbs GW Pils
3 lbs Vienna 3
3 lbs Munich 10
4 oz pale chocolate just for color
1/2 oz Magnum at 60 (22 ibus)
Repitch of WY2112 (hence the Venice Beach pun)

Should be fun. Got the grain bill milled, hops weighed, heating my MT and HLT now.

For a beer like this (and for anytime you want to use color malts) I’d go with carafa special (huskless) II or briess midnight wheat and cold steep them and add them right at vorlauf. Or if you want a little flavor add them to the mash. But chocolate malt may add more flavor than you intend for that recipe.

I’m hoping it didn’t give me any noticeable roast. Pale chocolate was about my best option in my arsenal at the time. Wort smelled stellar at OG check. I might have gotten lucky. I need to pick up a couple pounds of carafa to keep on hand.

I’m sure it will be great, didn’t realize you brewed it yet. Who knows, the pale chocolate may be the way to go!