For a couple weeks. Holly and me drug the fifth wheel down to Montpieler, ID for a while. We’re set up right next to the creek. I could literally cast out my front door and catch fresh trout. This is the view fro. The kitchen table. We’re well stocked with food, beer, and whisky. We have games, books, and all four movies in the lonesome dove series, along with Into The West.Last night, the temp dropped to 6*. But, a toasty 65 in the trailer. E have a good stash of firewood too, for campfires. We’re about 20 miles back in from the nearest civilization. A quarter the way back to camp, you loose any trace of cell service. We had to come down to town today for a few supplies, and got wifi while we are eating lunch. Pending any bear attacks, see you all in a few days.
Looks and sounds awesome! Has me looking forward even more to a couple weeks next month in the Northern Michigan deer woods…
Looks like you’ll be having a real nice getaway. Awesome view! Enjoy!
You back yet? Any huge trout in that creek?
Crawfish! There had to be some wild crawfish in there. Did ya git some mudbugs?
Looks & sounds like heaven on earth weez!
Just got home today. Best camping trip so far. Holly didn’t get her deer, but I did catch a ton of nice trout. Ate like kings, lotta beer, and lotta good whiskey. Last trip of the season, gotta get the camper winterized tomorrow, then I fly out to ohio on Tuesday for a month of work. Life is good!
I knew it…good on ya man… 8)