Any experience with this malt? My LHBS got a sack and I became the guinea pig customer, since I brew a lot of lager beers. I thought I will try it straight up 100% of the grist on a basic pils…but any input from others who have used it before will be entirely welcomed. I won’t be brewing for a couple weeks, so I have plenty of time to go a different route.
I’ve bought a sack from my LHBS twice now…this malt gives good results. A pretty clean, basic malt…works well in any pilsner or light lager, or anything that takes a lager malt. I can’t really say if beers made with it stay fresh longer or not, because I have too many complicating factors in my process – use of BrewTanB, reduced oxygen exposure during the transfer, etc. Overall, I’ve made some pretty great beers with it, and have liked it enough to buy a sack more than once.
Good to hear. I have used the regular Viking Pils malt (at last one sack) and it was great. I also used the Viking Extra Pale as a base, with much success (to my palate). With the added benefit of elimination of lipooxygenase to prevent staling, I hope to get ahead on my brewing over the next few weeks to stock up for the holidays and early winter. I, too, use BTB, closed transfers, and ferment under pressure…so, maybe it will serve me well.