;D This guy wanted his photo taken he was so docile
Made my morning smile!
clearly that rare predator butterfly was in between kills. ;D very nice. i have a new family of hummingbirds i will have to get some pics of and add.
look Gilligan, it’s the pussycat swallowtale, the rarest butterfly in the world!
That’s awesome! Maybe she is directly related to these guys. ;D Pic taken last November by my side-gate. They made short work of the thick leaves and stripped the entire plant.
I thought they were the most unusual and beautiful caterpillars. Had no idea they were Monarchs! Thanks Dave!
some folks say that a butterfly is the reincarnation of a lost loved one coming back to visit you… sounds like someone came to say ‘hey’…
Obviously royalty making a tour to be among his subjects.
That’s it…I have added a visit to a Butterfly House to My bucket list!
Hippies in the Side Door >>>
That is too cool euge… ;D
Please do!
My wife almost carped her pants when she found this in my cap in the living room:
Not quite as beautiful as a Monarch
That is some weird looking critter there corky. What is it?
It’s called a vinegaroon. If you stomp them they give off a strong smell of vinegar. A big one will be 4 inches long, not counting the long tail-spike thing, They are harmless to people but with their big lobster claws and their overall scorpion look they scare people badly. When we find one in the house we gently put it outside(after the shrieking ends)
Never heard of them, thanks for the lesson
But how do you carp your pants?
That’s a West-Texas New Mexico thing. : Maybe. Carping one’s pants.
Is that a fish in your pants, or are you just happy to see me?

My wife almost carped her pants when she found this in my cap in the living room:
Not quite as beautiful as a Monarch
Mean looking buggahs, but harmless to humans. However, they have been known to cause ichtho-spontaneous generation in the garments of human females.
Note the number of legs, and the whip-like tail. Not uncommon to spot one on occasion here in the tropics.
They are, without a doubt, a big fuckin bug!
I love this time of year…there is all kinds of activity amongst the birds and assorted critters. The crickets sound like a symphony at night and the bird migrations are beginning.
Last night upon walking my dogs there was a family of deer behind my property eating crab apples.
Fall is my favorite time of year.