If I put one drop of food coloring into my 2.5 gallons of Star-San, will that have any detrimental effect on the ability of the stuff to do its sanitizing job? I want some kind of visual indicator as to what’s in the jug. Yes; I could just write on the jug with a Sharpie marker as to what’s inside. What I want is the visual identifier to instantly remind me regarding the contents…
i use this stuff all the time. 2" rolls. Removable, water resistant, and re-stick-able 10 years later. Sharpie marker and a hunk of tape. It’s on everything. I even attach thermisters to fermenters with it (with acrylic foam under it to insulate and hold the thermister).
Called and was told that the food coloring would indeed destroy the efficacy of the product, so no food coloring in my Star-San. Was also told that the solution becomes useless one hour after it’s mixed-up. I told the rep that several members on the AHBA website mix it up in distilled water and save it for months. She told me that the government requires that users be told about the potlife of it. By law, it’s said to expire in an hour. But you gentlemen know better…
That’s nice to know… It’s always great when lawyers add insights to a topic.
I’m gonna just keep doing it the same way I have. I only have one bucket sitting in the kitchen, so I won’t mistake it for something else any time soon. When it no longer looks clear, I’ll make new.
I still like my tape idea too. It even sticks on jars that were just dunked in expired star-san. Lol
I just did that with a batch last week. It was so murky at the bottom there was no chance I was going to use it, and the pH was still fine. I think it was 2.6 or something like that. So I’m always throwing mine out long before it’s no good. The cost of the stuff is so little, it’s not worth calculating it against my other brewing costs.