I’m looking to upgrade from my 5 gallon extract setup to 10 gallon all grain. These are things I’m looking for if you have any and live in the Philadelphia, PA area send me a PM with a Pic of the item you are willing to sell we can haggle over price.
15-20 gallon Pot
Mash Tun - I like bigger beers (as denny says life starts 60… 1.060)
Grain Mill - Something that i can attach my drill to for quick milling
Burner w/stand - I’m thinking i need something in the 200k btu and my 55k burner won’t cut the mustard
200K? I’m getting 100K burners and those are insanely large…you sure about that?
[quote]One BTU is the amount of energy needed to heat one pound of water one degree Fahrenheit
So, ten gallons for easy math is 108.3= 83 pounds. If you want to raise that one degree you need 83 BTU’s, so one hundred degrees (to get to 150º give or take) is 8300 BTU’s so 8300/20000060=2.49 minutes… yeah, that’s fast enough… :o
For the mash tun, if you want to batch sparge look for deals on a 70 qt coleman xtreme cooler. I just checked Amazon and it doesn’t look like there’s a good deal on them right now but I got mine for $36 and free shipping when I bought it.
So, ten gallons for easy math is 108.3= 83 pounds. If you want to raise that one degree you need 83 BTU’s, so one hundred degrees (to get to 150º give or take) is 8300 BTU’s so 8300/20000060=2.49 minutes… yeah, that’s fast enough… :o
(Someone set me straight if my math is effed up…)
The math assumes that no heat is lost to the surrounding air, or anywhere else. (so it may take you a little bit longer)
Ya can’t go wrong with the 70 qt. Extreme, IMO, unless you get it in blue. It seems to have been designed as a MLT more so than a cooler! Basically zero deadspace. Love mine.