got a california steam kit from midwest. lookin to add some extra flavor but not go over the top. was goin to add maybe an axtra ounce of hops, but not sure if its a good idea. anyone have any opinoins. comes with 1 oz northern brewer and 1 oz cascade. i like cascade alot, was thinking of maybe some appracot extract also in the keg???
I’m not so sure apricot would go well with Northern Brewer hops. Maybe add a couple drops to a pint after the beer is kegged to see if you like it before you dose the whole batch. If you’re looking for something more than the kit provides, try tossing an extra oz or two of Cascade or N. Brewer in at flame-out. Or dry hop it.
I’m partial to cascade, but an extra ounce of [insert hops here] at flameout (or dry hop) would probably be just right.
I would be cautious with the apricot extract.
thanks for the input. i was kind of leary about fruit in a lager since ive never seen it on commercial scale. thats why i love this site!