Some of you guys might find this interesting:
Some of you guys might find this interesting:
There was a study a few years ago about beer being more effective than some other painkillers:
[quote]A German study involving athletes showed that the risk of catching a cold was reduced by 33% after drinking alcohol-free wheat beer.
Athletes were also found traumatized by terrible, no good alcohol free beer.
I’ll stick to hot toddys-they taste better and they’re actually hot.
Aint it grand that 21st Century science is finally beginning to find legitimacy in “folk” wisdom, that anyone who earned their living with their body instead of their brains has known since the gods gave us the gift of BEER several thousand years ago. As bad as alcohol dependency is, alcohol is far less addictive than opiods and it doesn’t plug you up, for many of us it definitely provides better, longer term relief from severe pain, if for no other reason than a couple DIPA’s quickly consumed, or hot toddy of sufficient strength guarantees a few hours of uninterrupted sleep.