Who plants tomatoes in October? I do! Put my Roma tomatoes in the ground Oct 3. Started them 8 weeks before inside. They are flourishing. Planted some cherry tomatoes in containers a week later and mustard greens. Bumper crop of jalapeños after a blisteringly hot summer. Seems they prefer cooler weather.
I expect some nice tomatoes in November.
Plans are for more greens, cabbage and onions. Maybe potatoes.
Garlic, good idea. Wife is going to be planting more bulbs of various flowers for spring, I’ll be trimming down the hops soon (too bad I missed the window on my huge cascade crop while I was out on vacation). Going to look into buying some growlamps so I can grow peppers this winter.
Wish I was able to grow some veggies and the like right now but the climate in my region is not condusive to growing after October. I have to wait until spring.
My wife planted some chipmunk food, otherwise known as tulips. With snow expected today, I’d say the growing season for me is well over. I even cut back my hops and mulched them for the winter.
Next spring, a whole new garden will have to be done since we are installing a pool where the current one is.
Got bush beans in about 3 weeks ago, broccoli, brussel sprouts, kale and greens two weeks ago and peas last night. This winter gardening thing is really weird to a vermont boy who is used to not seeing the ground for 5 months starting in november.
Wow, Euge…you folks with mild winters have it nice! Most of my “fall” planting occurs in late August.
I have some peas that are flowering right now, time will tell if I was too late.
That said, I did haul a ton of homemade compost in this weekend before the storm:
Made a new garlic patch. Little late on that but they are in now.
Anybody here plant garlicos? That is what I call them anyway. They are the bulbuils that form at the top of the garlic scape if you let them go…I let a few go each year and plant the fat ones. Here they are in the flower, next year they will be about the size of a quarter and a single onion shaped bulb. I love some good hardneck.
And a final fall garden shot for homebrewers…next years Centennial and a butternut background. Cheers.