Water Profile for Brewed Coffe

I use RO water for brewing and I am looking for a optimal water profile for coffee. Thanks

This article touches on coffee brewing water chemistry a bit about 2/3rd of the way through.

  • formerly alestateyall.

Thanks for the great read!!!

Most coffee water profiles are close to low mineral brewing profiles. You need some minerals to round out the flavor but not so much that you taste them or get any kind of aggressive addition from the water. You can get really technical with it but I feel like I get a good water profile out of filtered water through a typical consumer carbon filter system.

FWIW, the Specialty Coffee Association of the Americas (SCAA) has water standards https://scaa.org/PDF/ST%20-%20WATER%20STANDARD%20V.21NOV2009A.pdf

SCAA also sells a water quality handbook: https://store.sca.coffee/collections/books/products/the-sca-water-quality-handbook

I know about these things because I entered an adult science fair with a project about brewing coffee! I used:

  • 10L Distilled Water
  • 0.3g CaCl2
  • 0.2g NaCl
  • 0.3g Ca(OH2)

I don’t recall exactly why at this point :stuck_out_tongue:

Full write up of my experiment: The Science of Coffee—Examining extraction

Thanks. This was a great read!!! Exactly what I was looking for.