Water profile for Pumpkin Ale

I’m thinking Amber Malty. Your thoughts…

Sounds good.  FWIW I brewed the pumpkin beer from the recent Zymurgy. I use RO water and built it to 95 ppm chloride and 35 ppm sulfate.

+1.  Sounds reasonable.

Doesn’t it really depend on the base beer style?

I think it’s safe to assume it’s for a malt-forward, amber-colored ale. So I assume the question relates to whether this water profile is still appropriate when adding pumpkin and/or spice. For instance, would the higher sulfate content of a hoppy profile be appropriate to ephasize the spice addition, as it does for hops? I say go with malty.

All I can think of is “Pumpkin IPA” after reading this…

Pumpkin IPA? Let us know how that turns out.  :o

I assumed it to be a Bru’nWater question Kyle, so since most pumpkin ales are amber, malt (and spice) forward beers, with restrained hoppiness, that the Amber Malty profile in Bru’nWater would be appropriate.

I’m doing an Oktoberfest style ale base for mine.

Which is sort of amber malty.

It certainly is  :).

Amber malty it is:

Ca 59
Mg 6
Na 14
SO4 50
Cl 45
HCO3 76

I would agree with malty amber for the water profile - and I wrote the article  ;D