Water Profiles

Hi Everyone,

I just received the results of a water test on my well water. So I thought I’d figure out how this will work in Brewfather. So I grabbed an existing recipe and added the water profile. Based on the style (American IPA) All my numbers are in the correct range except NaHC03. The style says the range should be 40-120. My water has NaCH03 at 206. So my question how can I lower that? What do I add to the water to lower it?

Thank You

You can add distilled or RO water to dilute the concentration of sodium bicarbonate. By doing so, you’d possibly move the other numbers out of whack.

I use bru n water and find it easy to get the hang of. It is possible that an acid addition will neutralize the impact of the sodium bicarbonate to.

You could download the software or use an online calculator and plug in dilution water or an acid addition to see what it does.

Good luck.

Doesn’t Brewfather calculate what you need to compensate? I use Beersmith you add your water first as the base water. Then you select a profile you wish to target. The software will tell you what you need to add to your base water in order to meet the target.

Yes. But it won’t tell you what to take away. It will just show it out of range. If you delve deeper you can read how to reduce it in the notes etc.