Hello all. I’m not starting to think about water in my all grain brewing process. I do not have a good handle on my water profile (I have city water in CT). I’m fixing that but in the mean time I have this question…
I was thinking of starting off with a commercial spring water (ex: Poland Spring) and adding gypsum and calcium chloride as needed depending on beer that I’m brewing. My thinking is this, at least a Poland Spring type water, I can start from a baseline of ‘clean’ water and build up from there.
Spring water can vary in its mineral content from company to company (even the same company’s spring water will vary). I (and many others here) build water from scratch using RO (reverse osmosis) water that you buy from the machine in grocery stores. I recommend downloading Brunwater software, which will help you control your pH which is critical, as well as keeping track of water salt additions for flavor.
Can you get a water report from your city? If not, you can send a sample out to Ward Labs (the W-6 option) and get a detailed water report emailed to you.
I have community well water in NH and send out to Ward Labs every year, then use Bru’N’Water to adjust my minerals and PH. I find my water is well suited for most ales, but for some lighter lagers, I tend to used distilled water and build up.