I am brewing a NEIPA and have arrived at at water profile of:
Calcium 44, Magnesium 11, Sodium 27,Sulfate 27
Chloride 90.
Mash ph 5.52
I used yellow balanced
I plan to adjust by adding 1.3 ml lactic acid, and 7.3 grams of Calcium Chloride.
Batch volume is 2.5 gallons and total mash water is 3.19
I’ve never added that much Calcium Chloride before. Is 7.3 grams for a 2.5 gallon batch in the correct range? It seems high to me.
I prepared a diluted solution of CaCl. It is a 1.090 SG and the strength is 9.9.
That’s why it seems so high. Thanks I forgot that I was using CaÇl in solution.
It looks like Bru’n water has the addition of CaCl in solution by weight not volume.