Water woes in thr news

Seems to be a growing concern from the big boys on down!

Yes we do pay for water and sewer.
Less water we use less we pay.

I actually enjoyed the hearing about the conservation strategies aside from the cost perspective which is obviously a benefit.

I thought it was cool about how the breweries are working with farmers, etc to enhance the overall footprint of water conservation

Sorry, not a “digital-plus” member.

My actual cost for water used is less than my sewage fees. On average at least by half and the current pricing offers little incentive to conserve. When every extra 1000 gallons only costs $2 up to 100K gallons then at my scale I might as well keep my venerable 5 gallon toilets and spend an extra $10 a year. Got more of this type rant believe me…

I still run a sprinkler off my chiller but no longer worry about water usage. Chill baby chill. ;D

Sorry about that, didn’t realize you could only read this as a trib subscriber:(

I’ll try and post a different link later, the article was really about commercial breweries struggling with water issues.

As a home brewer, while I do my best to conserve, it’s a non-issue for me as well .

I was able to access this version

Here’s something similar from the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel