Way higher efficiency with fancy malts

Got 91% mash efficiency using Gold Rush and Mecca Grade malt.

Sorry to resurrect an old thread, but…

…which Gold Rush malt did you use?

I only became aware of them this week, after hearing about their [Gold Rush’s] 2 wins at a maltster competition.  I have not tried any of their malts yet, but I have had great success with Full Pint variety malts from Briess and Mecca Grade.

I see 2 of Gold Rush’s malts using Full Pint (Munich, and Toasted Pale), and 2 others (Pale, and a dark Vienna/light Munich??) using a variety called ‘Cerveza’ which I hadn’t heard of, and it has even higher diastatic power than Full Pint.  I may have to try out several pounds of all 4 of those malts.  Prices run just about the same as Mecca Grade’s.

Others have used it: https://www.homebrewersassociation.org/forum/index.php?topic=30748.msg400515#msg400515

It was 2 row from Gold Rush

if you’re crushing your own grain, your mill might crush teh fancy malts better

That hasn’t been my experience.