Okay, here’s just a couple honest questions:
Do hundreds of millions of people love the aroma (and presumbly the taste) of cat pee?
Is cuhumulone worth consideration?
Why do many treat yeast selection like an afterthought instead of perhaps the most important ingredient of all?
What are your favorite yeast strain discoveries lately that you haven’t used in a long time or never used before? Same question for malt? (I don’t really give a rat about hops, dammit! ;D )
Does Carapils truly do anything useful? And oats, same question? How do results compare with a reasonable addition of say ~15% wheat or rye?
Is rye actually spicy, in a blind tasting? Do different brands actually make a huge difference? (More experiments are needed!)
Has anybody ever tasted a kveik “lager” that actually tasted like a lager?
When will Fermentis stop telling people to use S-33 for Belgian styles?
If mash temperatures are in a goldilocks zone of say 145 to 160 F, how much do temperature variations in the mash really matter?
Does mash temperature matter as much as mash TIME?
How much do fermentation temperature fluctuations really matter to the average non-finicky yeast?
When diacetyl is in fact detected, is a standard 3-day d rest really long enough, or does it sometimes take much longer, and if so, when and why?
Are the results of LODO brewing worth the hassle for the average joe, or only for special joes?
What’s Gary Glass up to these days? (I sincerely wish him well!!!)
When will Denny and Drew get out of the house again? Anytime this year? What’s the escape velocity of each? (I kid… slightly… )
What’s the next big thing(s) going to be around the beer world (styles, trends, ingredients, methods)?
What are your peeves with respect to styles, trends, ingredients, methods, AHA forum members who ask a lot of questions, etc.?
Hope these spark some thoughts in somebody. If so, I invite you to break out a separate thread here and let’s discuss – I will guess that Denny and Drew might not take the time to answer every single one of these in one or two episodes… but it would be super cool if they did. ;D
Sincerest cheers to you all.