Weird Maine Law Prohibiting ABV Listings On Signs and Menus

Talk about a crazy law.  This law is actually a hindrance to safety if enforced…

Sounds like it’s being enforced. for the first time in 80+ years! silly silly silly.

I always wonder with things like this. did the inspector have it out for a particular bar or brewery? were they just bored and reading the old statutes? Sticklers for the rules?

anyway I doubt it’s going to last too long.

Pretty stupid.  Kinda helps to have all the info on the beers when you go out to a pub.

It does seem pretty irresponsible to enforce the law.  I think the initial inspector who brushed the dust off this old forgotten law HAD to have it out for that brewery.  The petty little man got his ‘AH HA’

But if not for people like this, these silly laws would stay on the books.  Now that they are brought to the surface, they can be dealt with…just ask anyone in Oregon.

This one will go away quickly.  Follow Carla Companion (@Beerbabe on twitter) for more updates.

true enough. perhaps that’s another possible interpretation of events. I like it more than my ideas so far. I much prefer to think the best of people so if I can imagine an inspector sitting there and thinking, “This will never get off the books if I don’t do something about it” and then calling a brew pub to get the ball rolling it will make me smile.

Posting the ABV makes a lot of sense to allow the informed consumption…

There is a vast variety of laws out there among states, but seeing the initially posted article, I became curious.  Though this doesn’t show the ME law concerning ABV, it is interesting none-the-less:

We have legislation in the works (not passed yet) that would make a LCB employees cops, even authority to make traffic stops.

Apparently this is a post prohibition law that everyone pretty much forgot about.
I understand that this is being worked by state regulators and the state legislature to find a common sense solution. (I am somewhat suspect of state regulators and state legislators coming up with a common sense solution to anything, but that’s another story.)
Anyway, I’m a Maine resident hoping for some common sense.