Brewed this one up last night. Got done at 1:00AM.
Used DME and LME to keep the grain bill below 35-36 pounds in my 15.5 gallon Mash Tun.
No stuck sparge using my RIMS!!!
Mashed at 110/131/152/168
She’s fermenting at 58°F right now…
15 gallons
OG: 1.077
IBU: 26.8
3 lbs DME Extra Light (4.0 SRM) 7.31 %
3 lbs LME Wheat Bavarian (4.0 SRM)7.31 %
23 lbs Wheat Malt (2.2 SRM) 56.01 %
9 lbs Munich Malt (9.0 SRM) 21.92 %
1 lbs 8.0 oz Caramunich I (51.0 SRM) 3.65 %
1 lbs CaraWheat (50.0 SRM) 2.44 %
6.0 oz Carafa Special III (470.0 SRM) 0.91 %
3.0 oz Special B (135.0 SRM) 0.46 %
3.00 oz Hallertauer [4.30 %] (60 min) 16.0 IBU
1.00 oz Sterling [8.70 %] (60 min) 10.8 IBU
1 Pkgs Hefeweizen IV Ale (White Labs #WLP380) (5L starter)
Calling all Hefeweizen IV Ale users.
My fermentation chamber (@52°F) has had a Mexican Lager in it for the previous 5 days.
I brewed the Weizenbock Friday, threw it in the box and bumped to 58°F.
Raised to 59°F yesterday and 60°F today.
Should I leave it there or keep bumping it up. I was planning on bumping the temp up to 65-66°F in a week or so to give the lager a diacytle rest. Should I wait??? Not horribly concerned about the Lager at this point because it has slowwed down but I’m not familiar with the Hefe IV yeast and the flavors it gives at certain temps…
Fermenting with 380 at 62-64 has given me the results I like in terms of ester profile. Since its been 3 days, I think you could at least raise to 64. It might actually be desirable.
yeh go ahead and bump it up. I generally use a blend of 300 and 380 pitch at 58 and ramp to 64 over the course of a few days.
Be forewarned 380 throws quite a bit of sulfur, dont be alarmed, its normal for that strain. 380 produces a much crisper weizen imo.
EDIT: That last statement is why I blend the two strains, I think the 2 of them together provide a great balance between classic weizen ester and crispness.