Wet hop IPA (or fresh if you're Tom)

Brewed up 5 gallons of 1.065 IPA today with

0.4 oz Amarillo - FWH
1 oz Amarillo - 20 min
2 oz Amarillo - 14 min
2 oz Crystal - 6 min
10 oz Wet/fresh Crystal @ whirl (15 min at 140f, then 15 min to chill)

Mostly wanted to say thanks to Pinnah for the crystal wet/fresh hops.  The kettle and house smelled flowery to the point of giving a saturated fruitiness.  The hydrometer sample was sweet with a heavy bite of black pepper bitterness and spice.  Should be tasty; I’ll dry hop it with some combination of Amarillo and Crystal (probably 4 oz).

That sounds delicious!  I have an American IPA and a black IPA that I need to dry hop yet.  I used lots of amarillo, cascade, and centennial in my American IPA.  yum.

cheers. hard to go wrong with that hop combo

aw shucks.  I am most definitely NOT worthy of red and bold font,
and feel better in black and not capitalized. :slight_smile:

But hey, yep true that the beerman J got lucky
that I had not Dennypicked my entire Crystal tower yet.

There was a rogue bine that cruised out and caught a sapling nearby,
threw flowers unnoticed in initail harvest…

Nice combo with the 'rillo, hope it works out to be a really nice harvest ale.

Cheers to the wet hop…oh, and the fresh
yet dried
2011 Crystal. ;D

Oh, sorry, I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.  How’s this - “Mostly wanted to say thanks to some schmuck for the crystal wet/fresh hops.”  ;)  Hey I’m happy with the hops regardless of which bine(s) they came from.  Well I would have been had I not heard that the rest of the hops went to denny.  Ok, I’ll quit before I insult anyone else.  Denny’s scraps… really?  :slight_smile:

Thanks for the hops: fresh, wet, dried, etc.


“Dennypick” is just a term I coined that means
the annual perceived need to utterly pick every single last cone on the plant. :wink:

:smiley: oh that’s better

(not that I have any problem with denny)

Hey, I left a BUNCH of the crappy looking ones this year!

I got home last night to a package with at bomber of this beer inside!

Makes for a great end of the day:
opening up an unexpected package, pulling out a bottle, pouring, sniffing, and tasting another brewers craft!

Awesome!  Thanks J!!

Crystal clear freshnwet ale at sundown. :slight_smile:
Cheers to harvest 2011.

And isn’t there just something special about drinking right from a mason jar? :stuck_out_tongue:

nice pic! cheers, j

can’t wait to use the zeus and the mystery hops

heh, I do love the pint mason jar.  I mostly pour out in the shop, so they just fit in with the environment. :wink:

J, thanks again, the generosity between fellow brewers is a cool tie that we all hold on this forum.
Can’t wait to hear if you have the will to try the Mysterine. ;D