Weyermann Abbey Malt

I can’t seem to find more than basic info on Abbey malt.  What kind of malt is it? High-kilned with some diastatic power?  Low kilned, then toasted?  Crystal malt?  A blend of different malts?

It’s equivalent to Aromatic. Dingemans quotes that it can make up 30% of grist while Weyermann quotes up to 50% for the Abbey

Can you share the specs on the Abbey malt?  DP?

It’s a toasted, brownish pale malt, definitely not a crystal. Can be used up to 25% of the grist. I can’t find anything on DP but here are some other specs from Castle. It’s what I’d call a more intense version of Aromatic. I liked a small amount ( ~6-7%) in a dubbel I brewed.


EDIT -  An intense combo of biscuit and aromatic might be a better description IMO.

I too am interested in this malt. I know my LHBS carries it and I plan on picking some up for a Belgian Blond I want to brew. On Northernbrewer  its listed as a honey type malt.

I don’t know if a blond is the right beer for it IMO. If you use it I wouldn’t use much. It’s great for dubbel and quad though.

The recipe I have constructed now only has 3-4% I definitely wouldn’t go anymore than 5% in a beer like a blond.

Try the Weyermann page. They have a download with a Zip file that has their entire 2015 analysis for all of their malts.

I agree that this malt is more appropriate for Dubbels and BDSAs

I looked at that before I came to the forum with my question.  They don’t publish DP; you have to scan a sac for the actually batch analysis.  I was hoping that is where you got your information.

I would use the “known” average value of DP for say, munich malt as a guide. The Abbey will be less than the Munich. Maybe shoot the reoresentative from Weyermann an email. I’ve had luck in the past communicating with them.

Right, if it’s a high-kilned malt, then I can estimate off dark munich.  If it’s low-kilned and toasted, then it won’t have any DP.  I just need to know which it is.  I sent something to Weyermann a few days ago, but they have not responded.

Does anyone have a batch analysis sheet for a sac of Weyermann Abbey malt?

From Weyermann:

“…a highly friable base malt…use up to 50% of grist…”

From Dingemans (in reference to Aromatic):

“…The intensive germination and a mildly kilning will add a very strong malt aroma and a deep reddish color. Amber malt clearly improves flavor stability.  The malt is rather low in diastatic power therefore it can only be used up to 30%.”

I would think the Dingemans description is the most accurate.

Again, this assumes it is a high-kilned malt.  Northern Brewer claims it has no DP, which suggests it is a low-kilned malt or crystal malt blend.  However, forum folks suggest it is equal to other Abbey/Aromatic malts, which would suggest a high-kilned malt with some DP.

Weyermann is probably not responding, due to two factors…

  1. It’s the week of Christmas.
  2. The Germans really don’t seem to respond to emails as often as we do, in the US.

You are correct about getting a Weyeremann malt report by scanning the sack.
And…Dingman’s is going to be completely different than Weyermann.
If you have Weyermann, ignore any data on Dingman’s, because they know their malt & how it can be used.

I might recommend seeing if Northern Brewer can send you a scan of a recent package & see if you can get data from it.
It will likely get you much closer than Dingman’s data.

What are you using it in?

I was just speaking generally. It’s a close relative to Aromatic spec wise.

That was my thinking too.  There is so much marketing that you cannot make any assumptions anymore.  I was hoping someone on the site might have a sac and could send me the link to the PDF.  However…

I chatted with a tech on the NB site, and he claims to have done a smash beer with it.  So, it will obviously self-convert, and he is going to look into correcting the info on the website.  He is also going to try and have someone in the warehouse scan the barcode on a sac and send me the PDF link.  I also sent an email to the creator of the online tutorial for how to use Weyermann’s system for looking up batches, but I got an auto reply that he is off until January for the holidays.  So, I’ll post what I find out.  Sounds like it is consistent with a high-kilned malt in between a dark munich and melanoidin with a minimum of 25-30 DP.

Either way it sounds like an interesting malt for Belgians.

[EDIT: Barring confirmed DP values for both malts and the fact that Aromatic is Summer barley with Abbey being Spring barley, they both share nearly identical specs.

Aromatic - moisture (4.5%), DBFG (79%), 19L, Max Grist (<= 30%)

Abbey - moisture (4.5%), DBFG (75%), 16-19L, Max Grist (<= 50%)

I know from tasting both that the flavor in grain form is very similar.

I can’t see them being very different, but I’d be interested to know what the DP is for both. It definitely isn’t a coincidence that Weyermann has it in its Belgian malt line. I’m going to try and reach out to Dingemans to satisfy my own curiosity and see what the DP of the Aromatic is.]

Northern brewer has Dingemans Aromatic listed at 30 DP.

They are possibly different strains of barley too, not just different harvests.  Seasonality (and strain) can impact malt in a lot of ways, all ending up with downstream differences in brewhouse performance and flavors.

Not sure if this helps:
