What am I missing?

I had 2 lagers in my chest freezer, happily fermenting away at 51F last week.  They pretty much burned out by this weekend when I made another 10G.  I placed the 2 new fermenters in the chest freezer but upped the temp to 57F since it was WY2278 and recommended.  I figured this would help the first two burn out and perform a semi-diacetyl rest (even though it’s probably not needed since I pitched a ton of fresh slurry) while the new ones fermented and then I could just lager them all together.

What am I missing?  I can’t shake the feeling that I’m screwing something up with the first batch.


Your fine. There is nothing wrong with your batch moving up to 57 degrees. Your yeast has done the majority of its work. I do a diacital rest no matter what kind of lager yeast I use.

It’s going to take a while for the freezer to come up to 57 if you have 10g of 51 deg beer in there!

I have a little personal heater in there that is attached to my temp controller.  It works great!
