im gonna try for around 20 batches im just starting out thought that was a good goal
Prefect water chemistry and start playing with yeast culturing and yeast management.
Mine’s the opposite. Figured out the yeast culturing and management stuff in '09, now starting in on water chemistry for '10
Building a Brutus 10 brewstand…at the very least have the stand nearly complete.
i should prob add to mine and say finsih the 10 books i have on brewing and history and science and all that good stuff
Temperature control and kegging here.
To not cut corners when I brew, to not waste time when I brew, to make the best beer I can possibly make while doing the least work and having the most fun I possibly can.
Brew 12 styles that I haven’t ever done before
to buy less commercial beer (already off to a bad start - bought 3 6pks on Sunday :-[ ) and cut my brew time back down - I’ve been pushing close to 7 hours, when I used to take only 5.5.
- getting classic German lager fermentation to work
- checking how much difference different mashing schedules really make
- yeast related experiments
I would like to figure out how to make my beer better whether it’s the kind of yeast I use, the recipe, or the brew process. I’d also like to start washing and/or reusing yeast as well. I started kegging in December so I can’t say that.
I would also like to go out less to bars and buy less commercial beer, which means brewing enough to keep my satisfied without doing that.
In no particular order:
- Work out a practical (for me) way to reuse yeast
- Get better results with lager beers than I did last year - bigger starters should help
- Assemble my brew cart, now that I have most of the components - maybe with natural gas burners
- Score 70 or higher on the BJCP exam (February 13th)
- Be more active in my local homebrewers’ club
- Teach a friend to brew
1. Improve my efficiency
2. get a mill and start buying in bulk
3. Streamline my brewcart
4. Start messing with bugs
5. Enter more comps
Start AG brewing
I’m with Egghead.
Since starting this hobby I have always had one goal.
1) To improve my beer. All new equipment purchases and new methodologies always were directed at that goal. I would prioritize purchases based on that premise even at the expense of convenience.
With experience a second goal was added.
2) To improve my breweries safety. I then moved from a three tier system to a single tier. That took most of my resources for a period of time. Most of the summer actually.
Now, for 2010 I have been concentrating on increasing my ingredient supply and volume. I want to begin kegging this year, and it may even be at the expense of goal number one above. Although a fermentation freezer conversion would be better used to meet that goal, I find kegging becoming more important. That and yeast handling are my goals.
Yeast handling
- Set up my grain mill and pump, should be next week.
- Get my porter and black lager recipes nailed down. (They’re really close!)
- Brew more - I only did 35 gallons in 2009 and I’d like to do a lot more in 2010. Only up to the 100 gallon limit, of course.
Begs the question, is it worth getting hitched to bump that limit up to 200 gallons
If memory serves you only have to be cohabitating, and that’s a definite possibility for this year. ;D
Thats where a blow up doll in bed and a womans coat from a rummage sale hanging on the hook are helpful when the beer police show up…