What Brunwater setting for a Flanders Red?

Making a batch this weekend starting with RO.  I haven’t gone through Brunwater on a Flanders yet, so I thought I would ask if anyone has a favorite setting for it or an outright suggested adjustment for a Flanders Red?

I will be playing with it (Brunwater) later - I am using some flaked maize in the recipe for the first time…

I would opt for whatever malty profile matches the SRM of your recipe. For sour beer I usually use the appropriate color range’s balanced profile for pale to amber and malty for anything darker. Seems to work well for me. A malty profile works particularly well for this style where you want to try to keep some of the sweet malt flavors present against the acidity, oak and brett character.

+1 as well as shooting for around a 5.2 pH (measured at room temp).  This should give the beer a lower pH after the boil = lower pH (hopefully) after fermentation = better chance at souring more quickly from bacteria.