I’ve never seen dairy products in beer with the exception of lactose sugar which doesn’t ferment nor do I remember seeing fermented products; pickles are taboo, but cucumbers are okay.
I’ve never seen cheese as an ingredient, but don’t know why it’s excluded. Why is that?
Any other foods you can think of that are not included in beer ingredients?
Thanks in advance for your explanations and comments.
Fats in dairy might go rancid, but I don’t see why milk proteins would. Not-fat milk powder stays good forever, at least in my lab.
That said, I don’t want milk in my beer. Personal preference.
Pizza beer sounds terrible.
Anything can be put into beer but let’s separate that from stuff that should or should not be added to beer. Emphasis on the latter; there’s a lot of stuff being added to beer these days, by both pro and homebrewers, that simply has no business being in beer, because it makes the beer taste awful. Adding random crap to beer for the sake of novelty does not a good beer make.
There are cases where toxic substances were added years back. Not good in my book.
Foods, ok. Herbs and spices? I know one brewer that dumped a cask of beer because he found the herb added by his assistant was bad for some people, so rather than serve it, he dumped it.
I made a Reuben sandwich beer and food pairing once. I dry spiced a Dortmunder with caraway seeds to mimic the rye bread and served little bite-sized sandwiches to compelement it.
Sorry, Jeff - didn’t mean to be offensive. I’m really not a style Nazi. I gave up on the idea when he brought up mimicking the kraut and Russian dressing.
There’s that recipe in the Joys of Homebrewing that has chicken in it. I’m not sure where I draw the line with ingredients that shouldn’t go in beer, but its definitely long before chicken. I think its an old historical recipe.
I’ve used the tip of a toothpick’s worth of olive oil a few times in the past. I probably won’t be doing that again.
I believe I’ve heard of eggs or egg whites being used, as a clarifying agent? Haven’t tried it myself.
Fish bladders, anyone?
Seriously, though. It just goes without saying that we each have our own particular taste preferences, so anyone can really use anything they want in any beer, for any reason, who cares. Anything else is just “naziism”. Just because I might say “you’re wrong!” or you might tell me “you’re wrong!” doesn’t mean either of is truthfully wrong about anything. It’s only beer.