What did I get out of my hops adding them in at 150?

Between be being a maroon and my lovely kids I said OH SH!T the one minute hops!!!
While I was cooling the wort…wort was at 150 when the hops went in.

Not worried about infections but what do you think I will get from the hops…its almost the last of my homegrown Mt Hoods  :-[

Since 1-minute additions are primarily about aroma, I wouldn’t worry about it.  Just look at it as a cross between a really really late 1-minute addition and a really really early dry-hop. :slight_smile:

Yeah, I’m just wondering how much aroma.

I could certainly dry hop it for a bit if its lacking.

Assuming you chill reasonably quickly, I bet you can’t tell the difference.

You basically did what a lot of brewers refer to as a “whirlpool” addition.  Those generally go in about 180ish and reputedly give increased aroma over flameout additions.

Yeah, I’ve done the 180-190ish additions as flameout additions in the past and liked the results.
We’ll see if the extra 30 or so degrees and contact time make a difference.

I have heard this as well.  RDWHAHB.

Please properly package and deliver to me UPS.  I will properly dispose of the goods.  :smiley:

I think it should fall somewhere in the middle of a dry hop and flameout addition but please let us know how it tastes.

It’s not going to be like dry hopping at all because the fermentation will drive out that particular aroma. It will be like a WP addition.