What do you think of this name

The other night I woke up and this name popped into my head. I make a jalapeño ale and have always called it snakebite ale.  How about Tijuana Sleep. The reason Mexico takes a siesta in the afternoon :slight_smile:

Works for me!

Okay, but how about Tijuana Siesta Calor or something a little more about the heat to tip off the drinker to the presence of jalapenos?

But, hey, it is your beer, so go for whatever you like!  I bet the beer is fantastic.  Cigar City makes a great jalapeno beer, IIRC.

Cheers to creativity!

tijuana sleep sounds a little like what happens when you get too drunk and then rolled in TJ.

but maybe that’s just me. ;D

Yea I may have to work on the name but, hey, that’s what happens in the middle of the night.

C’mon… You have to incorporate loco into the name somehow  :stuck_out_tongue:

I had a crazy beer that I did once called “One Night In Tijuana”. A golden oat barleywine with Tequila soaked oak, coriander, black pepper and red pepper extracts.

I was gonna mention that, but I knew you’d do it!

Duh… I loved that beer. Best rescue of a brewing mistake ever. (The mash was lightly scorched and so the beer itself tasted ashy. The tequila and oak incorporated that behind their smokiness, the spices cut the oiliness of the tequila)

I salute your creativity!


Fight fire with fire, fight smoke with… agave?

Makes me think of this guy…