What to brew next?

So I need some help picking out what to brew next.  I am a partial mash brewer and I’ve made several Pale Ales, IPAs, Hefe, Blonde, Belgian Dubbel, Belgian White.  Im just not what to make next. I know its a fine line between now and christmas and have something done in time.  I was wondering if anyone had a suggestion for me?  I dont really drink porters/stouts because I find them too heavy/too thick for my tastes.  Thanks in advance for any and all advice.

Sounds like you’ve hit the American and Belgian ales so far, may branch out into British styles. ESB, Brown Ale, and Scottish ales are all nice choices.

Rye pale ale or Irish Red?

You say that you don’t like porters and stouts because they are too heavy/thick. The good thing about homebrewing is that you can make beers to suit your own tastes. You could make a Dry Stout or London Porter that is actually quite light and drinkable.
I think an Ordinary Bitter or Mild would be up your alley and ready for Christmas too.

thanks for the ideas.  I like the idea of an irish red.  Any recipe suggestions for the dry stout or london porter? i’ll have to give them a try.

This recipe on the AHA Recipe Wiki by Tom Schmidlin sounds like it could work for you: Site Not Found

I second Pete’s suggestion for a dry stout.  Stouts can be incredibly drinkable and not heavy. 
Quarter lb. xtal 80
Half lb each roast barley and chocolate malt
Quarter lb black patent
Marris otter to bring it to 1.055
Bittering hops only to 35ibu
A simple, clean yeast fermented on the cool side.

That recipe of Tom’s is what he has on tap as a staple at PostDoc.


I can vouch for it  - (Tom is a good friend, he’s in my homebrew club, and Postdoc is less than a mile from where I work).  It’s a delicious beer.

Oh, and you can be sure I’ll be brewin that beer one day. My kingdom for some nitrogen though…

Bock? Doppelbock? Dunkel? Dunkelweizen? Patersbier? the list is endless, just matters what you like.  Patersbier is a new favored style of mine.  Simple, clean, but surprising.

Patersbier is a great suggestion!  And easy to make as well.

+1. I need to brew one soon, been too long. Never lasts long.

Hi, I forgot to post a response to this. Im thinking of brewing this.  I would like to make a vanilla dry stout
Im a partial mash brewer and any more help with this recipe would be appreciated.

What kind of help are you looking for?

Tom’s is a 10 gallon batch.

Mash: All Grain
Volume: 10 gallons
OG: 1.046
FG: 1.012
% Alc: 4.4
IBU: 32
SRM: 33

13 lbs Marris Otter
2 lbs Flaked Barley
1.75 lbs Roasted barley
130 grams EKG @ 60
WYeast 1084 Irish Ale yeast
150F single infusion mash

To make it partial mash ~5.5 gallons:

5 lbs Munton’s Pale LME
2 lbs Maris Otter
1 lb Flaked Barley
1 lb Roasted Barley
65 Grams EKG @60
Wyeast 1084

Same 150F single infusion mash

[edit – copy instuctions for vanilla beans from Denny’s Vanilla Imp. Porter recipe]

[quote=denny]Once fermentation has slowed down, it’s time to add your extras (Bourbon, Vanilla, and Oak (if you want)). Denny’s original recipe calls for you to split 2 fresh vanilla beans, scrape the insides, chop the pods into quarters, and add all this to the secondary fermenter (or just throw it in the primary if you do not use a secondary.) Then taste this periodically for between 7 and 14 days to get the right level of vanilla flavor you are looking for.