what to do at 2:00am....brew of course

made the mistake of having very hot tacos last night. 2am heartburn from hell and couldn’t go back to sleep.

so, figured why not start the brew day around 3am. all done and yeast pitched by about 8am for my northern german pils.

now i think nap time is calling  ::slight_smile:

That’s some true dedication! Hope the heartburn went away:)

I have a jar of homemade taco sauce (tomatillos. habaneros, etc.) that is lava hot but delicious.  Last time we made tacos I was in the same boat.  ;D

I love early and productive days! Maybe I’ll add “spicy night-before tacos” to the brew day routine. 8)

I try not to eat anything crazy spicy too soon before bedtime. Not from gastric distress but from the stimulant effect. I’ll toss and turn all night. It’s like drinking coffee.

Good tacos are worth the trouble.

that taco sauce of yours sounds like what i got at the restaurant Jon.

anyway, I go to try my hydra chiller with recirculating pump in ice bath. ran well water for about 5 minutes down to 60F, then hooked up recirculating pump in ice bath and dropped down to 46F in about another 3 minutes.

also got to use my new burner-the Edelmetall http://www.northernbrewer.com/shop/brewing/brewing-equipment/burners-1/edelmetall-bru-burner.html

pretty dam efficient with all blue flame and just sips the fuel…loving it.

Love it.  Nice job all around!

I guess I’m one of those lucky souls who are not bothered by caffeine.  My body has given up complaining about hot and spicy foods too.  It used to drive my wife nuts that I could drink 4 cups of coffee at a party and then fall asleep before her.  ;D


+1  :o

Also, I saw this burner on sale last week or so… do you know how it compares to your average turkey fry burner? I’m considering using my current turkey fry burner for my HLT and purchasing a more efficient burner for my kettle.

much hotter and all blue flame compared to my standard cheapo burner…that was a fuel sucker and was very orange flame with no real adjustments for air and very small burner.

I wonder what the definition of “very hot” is? :cry:

I am very tolerant of caffeine but not like my dad. Not only does he drink a cup of coffee before going to bed but when he wakes up at night and he’s thirsty he drinks another cup of coffee and goes back to sleep. And it’s not like his coffee is weak. It’s some of the strongest drip coffee I’ve ever had.

You sure it wasn’t early signs of a heart attack?

Just kidding…that is a crazy time for a brew session though!  Nothin’ like sneaking’ one in!

My neighbors probably already think I’m cooking meth on brew days, I think a 3 AM brew would solidify that for them!

We’ll my brewery name is Heisenberg

SAY MY NAME! Damn I miss that show.

Better call Saul was pretty good for season 1. Hoping for it to really get good.

Meh, didn’t really get into it. I’m looking forward to GOT and True Detective, you have seen TD haven’t you???

Nope will check it out