What to do with 6lbs of Amber LME

Got a 6lb. jug of amber liquid malt extract and some hallertau hops taking up space, what would you make?

If you don’t have lagering capabilities, make a German amber with WY1007 for a mock vienna lager.

a little crystal 40, maybe some carapils or victory or something fun, some northern brewer, and you have a cali common.

Yeah but you’ll have to do a 4 gallon batch!

meh, so it’ll be a session beer.  add another pound or 2 of DME and you’ll take it up over 5%.

Yeah I can order some other stuff or add adjuncts or whatever.  I just want to use all the amber up.  Not a bad idea to have a session beer since the Belgian that I will be bottling soon will be around 10%.

A pound or so of cane sugar can boost the gravity.