here you go. I would go with the 15 minute dry, I have made APA’s this way and turned out well. I think you only need to wait a week for the longer roast times. Make sure to keep an eye on it and give it a stir or shake, to ensure even toasting.
Just got done making one! I’m thinking about a Nut Brown Ale. I just got done roasting 1 pound of dry malt in the oven for 30 minutes and now have 1 pound of wet malt going in for an hour. What percent of the grist should these be used as?
I’ve decided to definitely go with a nut-brown. I tasted my toasted malts and now I’m wondering about what other specialty malts to use with them. I’m thinking some chocolate, but what about crystal or special roast? The wet malt that I roasted tastes like light-medium crystal and the dry malt like a special roast or biscuit. I definitely don’t want to overdo the specialties.
So how’s this look? I’m figuring my home roasted malt is the same as special roast and C60.
75% pale
10% home roasted special roast
10% home roasted C60
5% chocolate
Just chuck it all together and let-er rip. I did this with all the left over grains and fermentables from the brewery of a friend of mine after he passed away. We served the result at a benefit for his family. It was brewed and served in 8 days. We lightly carbonated it and served it with a beer engine. Very nice. We called it a Pantry raid beer.