I have 2 pressure settings available in my kegerator and 3 beers to serve. APA, Hefeweizen, and Gose.
I plan to serve the APA about 2.5 volumes and the Hefe about 3.2 volumes (higher?). Out of these 2 settings, which should I serve the Gose at?
I have 2 pressure settings available in my kegerator and 3 beers to serve. APA, Hefeweizen, and Gose.
I plan to serve the APA about 2.5 volumes and the Hefe about 3.2 volumes (higher?). Out of these 2 settings, which should I serve the Gose at?
3.2. You could also raise the volumes for the hefeweizen and the gose…
Thank you.
I was thinking of 3.5 volumes. Does that sound good?
I’m using bev-seal ultra lines and am trying to avoid going over 30’ lengths for each line. I think I could get to 3.5 volumes and still serve with 30 feet.
You will be just fine serving it at the same pressure as the hefe (3.2).
3.5 sounds good for both. You will probably see little head on the gose because of its acidity.
Yeah, my latest Berliner has a nice fluffy white head as soon as I pour it that immediately drops to nothing in about 30 seconds. Talk about zero head retention. Damn bacteria munching away on my proteins!