I’ll be attempting a scottish 60 for the first time on Sunday. ;D
I need to get 12 gallons of Classic American Pilsner going this week. Plus keg my Abbey Singel and Saison
HAPPY FESTIVUS! I hope you all are ready for some feats of strength! ;D
Seriously though, I’ll be brewing an APA and an Ordinary Bitter over the weeked.
Barleywine Monday!
I brewed a classic dunkelweizen recipe this morning, I’m growing fond of those these days.
I have a DIPA (1.100 and 150 IBU) thats a week in primary. The yeast is settling down now.
I have next week off and want to brew a Vienna lager (reviving frozen WLP830 today) and possibly a dubbel although I still have a keg of dubbel that I’ve yet to start drinking. I figure to bottle this one though, got my corks in earlier in the week.
Tankdeer, that ordinary bitter sounds good too. I kind of got away from those but I think it might be time to bring one back online.
Haven’t brewed one myself in quite a while. FIgured I was due. ;D
What yeast are you employing? I have a couple packets of S04, or 1026 in the freezer.
The classic - WLP002. I have some S04 as well, but I tend to save the dry yeast for emergencies.
Well, I was brewing and was cooling the batch when my IC blew a hole for some reason and shot hose water all into my wort. It was an expensive batch too, 30 lbs of Maris Otter plus specialty grains. IF YOU SEE KAY!!! :-[
Lame dude. You bring it back up to a boil to re-sanitize, of course your gravity and IBUs would change a bit.
Blew a hole in the connecting hose?
Blew a hole in the copper at the last ring from the bottom. This particular chiller was only about 2 years old or a little more. I am bringing it to a boil again and boiling it back down to the 1.080 mark, probably gonna add some more hops (not necessarily a bad thing ;)) and pulling out my old chiller. Still sucks though - about 2 gallons of water got in before I turned the chiller off. So hopefully andy chlorine or hose taste will be blown off… :-\
2 gallons? Damn dude. Was this your WIC? Morebeer brand? If so you might want to shoot them an email or something.
Saturday is the “feast of Stephen” so I’ll be brewing a “Wenceslaus lager”. Pilsner malt, saaz hops & WLP802 Czech Budejovice.
How do you suspect the hole got there?
B3 5/10 split (50 ft). Yeah, I am going to email them. It is really weird that it did that. The other bad thing is my other IC had some serious issues with connectivity so I guess I will fix that, bring to a boil tomorrow (again) and try to chill. I also have a CFC but that thing needs cleaned so I can’t use it till I recirc some caustic through it. Sheesh - what a crappy brew day!!
ndcube: I don’t really know how it happened. I did leave it outside and it has gotten down to about 30 degrees a few times so maybe the weather had something to do with it (though that certainly isn’t the first time and it has gotten a lot colder before). But I never had it connected to anything, you wouldn’t think it would have burst a hole in the tubing. I will get some pics and post it sometime tomorrow if I have time.
Merry Christmas All! Peace!
If the hole was at the bottom as you say that would make sense. That’s where excess water would be laying. If there was enough the tubingb could have expanded.
10 gallons House Bitter ( Wyeast 1469 ) Christmas Eve (Wife LOVES that beer )
5 gallons Dunkel today, cooled to 68 with the IC then to the snowbank out back (20" of snow earlier in the week here)
Just pitched 2124 into that one.
1500 watts isnt enough jules to heat wort.
Off to the hardware store for a 2K version.
Want to be able to boil inside with electric.
May smoke some malt Sunday for a Rauchbier brew next weekend.
Got my old IC rigged back up and it works just as good as the B3 version with the water temps as cold as they are so I will be brewing an IPA in the next day or two.
I’ll be doing a variation of my Überdampfbier on my newly constructed 3-tier platform. It’ll be kind of a DIPA with wheat yeast. Brewing Monday morning.