What's Brewing This Weekend - 1/20 Edition

Did a bunch of cleanup work out in the brewery this weekend… now it’s time to do something with it… I think. :slight_smile:

Or maybe not, Saturday is also all about judging the Doug King Memorial Competition.

Et pour vous?

Scottish 70- shilling , looks like rain and ice on Saturday …good day for brewing … ;D

Ahh, ready for another lager. Probably a Munich Dunkel this time.  Cheers!!!

dortmunder gold…

Belgian Spice Ale and Milk Stout - Saturday can’t get here fast enough!!

BoPils… And several kegs to clean.

A steam beer for march and april!

Time for another CAP.  Going to cut down on the corn a little - 21 or 22% vs the 25% last year.  Also will use WLP-833 this time around, vs 830, to give a little more malt flavor.  This was based on 2nd round comments from the 2011 NHC.

Working (again) this weekend, but hopefully an alt next Tues. or Wed.

Double IPA sunday morning I hope :-\

Brewing a NW Pale Ale on Friday. Fourth attempt on trying get this one right!

Probably bottle up a Quad…and do some more brewery organization. The work of a homebrewer is never done.  :slight_smile:

It’s a lifestyle.  :wink:

Maybe the ‘super saison’ will be ready to move to it’s oakey, rummy home.

That’s what I’ll be brewing on Saturday. Love the bready aroma of dark Munich!

I’m going to brew the IPA that I was supposed to brew last weekend with WY 1098.  Should I mash at a high temperature so it’s not too dry?

Looks like it’s gonna be a Belgian Pale Ale (is that different than a Belgian Blonde?) that will be the “starter” for a Belgian Dark Strong in a couple weeks.

bottling my first batch of the year, an all warrior ipa.

and reorganizing all my gear.

and reading more about all grain. will probably give it a try in the next couple of months as work allows.

No brewing.  Kegging the dark strong and nelson sauvin pale ale.  Need to think about getting some lager starters going too for the next brewday.

No brewing here either, cleaning kegs and racking a Hazelnut Brown Nectar and a pale made from Oregon grown pale malt, homegrown Willamette, CTZ and Centennial hops. Can’t wait to taste the both of 'em!

Taking Troop 65 camping at Mahukona for the weekend.  Best whale watching place in the world.