What's Brewing This Weekend - 10/15 Edition

This weekend - time to pack! Oh and go to the LA Beer Week Festival. :slight_smile:


This weekend is either an IPA or a BIPA…Cascadian…Dark…I think you get the point. Starter is bubblin’  8)

Hopefully the finishing touches on the kegerator too.

This is the last weekend of Marching Band for my kids.  Three performances in 2 days in 3 different towns plus volleyball.  On Sunday, making a 4 hour drive (each way) to celebrate my mother-in-law’s birthday.  No time to brew.  8^(

Next weekend I have 2 recipes lined up!!!


Dry Stout on deck for the weekend.  Presuming my starter takes off that is.  I’ve had a pretty weak performance from the last couple of whitelabs tubes I’ve used.

SWMBO’s out of town, so I’m playing single dad all weekend.  Does that mean I’ll be brewing a lot, or not at all?  ;D

No brewing, a bunch of racking though, and finishing up the two jockey boxes I built.

10 more gals of Dean Larson’s Christmas Tree Ale.  ;D

Pumpkin ale! My brand new sparge bucket just came in, and I plan on doing some whirlpooling for the first time (although I’ll be going through a CFC as well, because hey, I bought the thing, might as well use it). This’ll be the second of my two Halloween beers that’ll get put into my new kegerator, which should be here in a week or so.

In another week my 25 kg sack of Maris Otter should be here, and that means I’ll be doing a Holiday something or other. Will post pics of the new setup with sparge bucket once I get it all put together…

That’s on my radar to get brewed soon, but this weekend I’m gonna try to get in the BVIP I didn’t do last weekend.

I’m hoping to brew Ryan’s ruination clone on Sunday after going for a morning surf. It might get pushed back to next weekend though.

Since I didn’t get to the double batch of IPA last weekend, I’m going to do a single batch of double IPA this weekend. ;D

Hopefully nothing else comes up this weekend to bump the batch again otherwise this one could get to be a doozy  :wink:

Based on personal experience, not at all. Of course YMMV.

I’m planning to finally get round to the Lambic I hoped to brew when my SWMBO was away and I was playing single dad this weekend.

I lost my IPA and the last of my Cascades to the tub again.  >:( !@#$%

SO I’m going to do something similar one more time and a wheat beer.

The last three Whitelab yeasts I’ve used have given me trouble, Switched to Wyeast smack packs with great results.

Not brewing this weekend. Just kegging our Belgian Dubbel & putting together a Marzen recipe(a little late)

Oh, it’s a “not at all”.  I might finally make that mead I’ve been putting off, that’s easier to do once the kids are in bed (and before I need to go to bed).

Nice. I wanted to make sure I was ready for the holidays this year! 'Tis the season for a world class IPA!  :slight_smile:

Bottling the Ab(E)normal Dubbel tonight and brewing Spunkles Uncle Vanilla Porter tomorrow.

gonna brew Tasty’s Janet’s brown clone and keg the green flash west coast clone.

IPA was going to be 1.066, the DIPA will be 1.096, so if that doesn’t happen we’re looking at a 1.126 very hoppy barleywine I guess. :wink: