What's Brewing This Weekend - 11/12 Edition

What’s in the line?

For me, it’s more unpacking, more figuring out how the brewery will get arranged and more stuff!

Ok and I’m conducting a cider tasting at this month’s Falcons meeting.

I have a Belgian Dubbel in line. I plan to brew it on Monday which happens to be my birthday. I took the day off from work to brew.  8)

more Ballantine IPA and Bob’s Evil Twin Barleywine(much to the chagrin of SWMBO)  :slight_smile:


Bottling a saison and brewing a belgian strong xmas ale

I need to finish building my new milling setup, brew a RIS and a Belgian dark strong.  We’ll see how much of that actually gets done . . .

Don’t know if I’ll get it all done, but hope to: 1) bottle blackberry/oatmeal stout, 2) bottle barleywine, 3) brew honey kolsch.

I have an ambitious brewing schedule planned from now until Monday.  Bottling a stout tonight, cleaning and sanitizing more bottles tomorrow night for bottling an ESB on Friday night.  And then another bottling exercise for a BoPils sometime this weekend.  Yes, I need to get some kegs  :wink:

Then on Monday I’m brewing up a Mocha Porter and a Helles Bock.  And on Tuesday I’m taking an additional day off to rest.  If I actually get all of that accomplished I will be so proud of myself.

ballantine burton ale tonight.  bottling hard limeade and cider tonight.  pumpkin saison tomorrow night.  skiing saturday.  hopefully nada on sunday.  whew.

Need to rack a lot of cider, so might not get to brewing.  If I do, it’ll be American IPA to use up some of the hop supply in the freezer.

I have the day off today for Veteran’s Day.  I’ll be brewing an Alt.

I will be brewing an APA to start off the weekend.

Butternut Squash beer.  Borrowing and enhancing a recipe from a friend.  The butternuts have more pumpkin flavor than pumpkins.  Plus, they call them pumpkins in Australia, so it could be called a pumpkin beer.

An APA, my first batch in almost 5 years.  Can’t wait!

I like to have some stout around presently I am out of stout…I have a nice us-05 yeastcake around
and it kind of feels like stout weather…so if I can pull it off I will try to make  my Beamish Wanna-be recipe.

Brewed a Dark Mild today. Hobgoblin Brown Ale and a Cream Ale on Saturday… sunny and 50 in mid-November in Minnesnowta! Gotta brew as much as possible!

I am going to try my hand at an APA with a Belgian yeast.  I am still looking for a good recipe.

Bottineau Prairie IPA

9# 2-row
1# Caramel 60L
1# Vienna malt
1 oz Centennial 60 min
1 oz Centennial 30 min
1 oz Centennial 15 min
1 oz Centennial 5 min
1 oz Centennial @ Flame out
White Labs California Ale #WLP001
1 oz Centennial dry hop

I’m making a special Bitter with the Bedford ale yeast… what’s really cool is that this is my first batch since my daughter was born, 2 months ago!

Savor every moment!  They grow up soooo fast!  Being a dad is the best thing in the world. Beer brewing will always be there.  Your darling daughter will be going off to college in no time.

Great photo!

BVIP to the secondary with vanilla beans.  Making a starter for an O-fest whose slurry will be used for Ron’s and my Doppelbock in December. 8)