What's Brewing This Weekend - 11/16 Edition

Thanksgiving time!

What’s in the brew kettles?

Me: I’m straightening up the brewery so I can blast out something awfully strange and mega.

Well, first electric brew was successful, but not without snafus.  Bought second CFC to double gang, with the first CFC running hose water, and the second running recirc’d icewater.

Will be trying that out along with a new filter screen whilst brewing an IPA (http://www.homebrewersassociation.org/forum/index.php?topic=13803.0) with only FWH, 60 and huge whirlpool additions in the kettle.

Looking forward to it!

made a starter last night for a barley wine on T-day weekend. 2nd annual sweet william barley wine to celebrate my sons birth. and only about a year late (he will be 2 next week)

gonna step the starter up this weekend. Maybe keg the xmas stout and/or bottle a barley wine I brewed last month.

I think it’ll be a Rye Pale Ale.

Going to try and fit in a Sumuel Smith Nut Brown Ale clone.  The WL037 is just in stock and I got the first vial from my LHBS.

Hey Ferb, I know what I’m going to do tonight.  Make the starter!

(anyone with small children will know where that came from…)


hey how about that! that’s the same yeast I am using. it was super fresh when I went to the LHBS and I was looking for something british.

Brewing up chocolate cheery stout tomorrow. Fourth batch this month. :slight_smile:

Bottling my smoked punkin ale. I know I’m late. Then I will be brewing my smokey oyster stout. I can’t seem to keep it in stock. Any one that has tried it loves it. Took it to my club meeting and they went crazy over it. I do like my smoke and a good cigar.

Robust porter here on Sunday.

Munich Dunkel…I love this stuff so much!

Nuttin’.  Will probably dry hop the impy red I brewed a couple of weekends ago.  Will probably brew next weekend, so a starter for that will be in order.  Most likely WLP500 for this years quad.

I’m brewing a Bavarian jeseweizen (my name is Jesse, har har) tonight.  Just an extract version with mittelfrau and Weihenstephan yeast.  Nummers!

Only 2 more weeks til my garage/brewery has my furniture out of it and I can brew again!  Assuming I remember how!

bottling an all amarillo pale on saturday and planning an all simcoe pale or ipa brew on monday.

Coffeehouse Porter!

A German lager of some sort - the ambient temperatures for the next week will make it possible to lager in the garage without resort to the lager chest.  I need to bottle a batch to open up a primary fermenter, though, because all of my kegs are presently being used…I had a busy fall so far, but the holidays should open things up on the stockpile.

Hoppy red and a classic American pilsner

Shot a big 8 pointer yesterday, so I’ll be brewing up a Big Buck Old Ale tomorrow!

[quote=“denny, post:13, topic:11960, username:denny”]

Only 2 more weeks til my garage/brewery has my furniture out of it and I can brew again!  Assuming I remember how!

I hear there’s a guy on the internet who has a site for cheap & easy brewing ;D

There’s some Centennials in the freezer just screaming to get out into some hot water.  I think I’ll oblige Sunday.

Where’s perry?

I’m brewing a Red Ale. A recipe that I was really happy with. Two minor tweeks aiming at color and ABV improvements. Firing up the burner in a minute.