What's Brewing This Weekend - 12/10 Edition

paging doctor brew, paging doctor brew

Doctor, we have an emergency!

What is it Nurse Batch?

Doctor, it’s Mr. Carboy. He’s, he’s… sob empty!

Nurse Batch, we can save him. Bring me the mill!

How will you save Mr. Carboy this week?

We’re brewing up 11gal of Dopplebock. It’s a joint venture between redbeerman and I on Saturday at my brewery.  8)

Also getting ready to install a utility tub for the brewery.

My co-brewer (wife) has requested another Timothy Taylor Landlord clone for a running beer before we do some lagers.  Wyeast 1469 - check, Golden Promise - check,  some EKG check, a lot of Styrian Goldings - double check.  We shall try our best.

Nothing for me this weekend.  I actually think I’m done brewing until the new year.  Next one is scheduled for Jan 3rd.

bottling biere de garde and pumpkin saison.  no brewing

It’s time for our club’s annual 24 hours of brewing and camping this weekend.  I’ll be making a key lime melomel and cold smoking some malt or some cheese or some meet on Saturday.

Winter Warmer!  One of my favorite recipes. I’m going to serve it on nitro this year.

Edit: I’ll also be kegging an Altbier.

Belgian dark strong ale.

Kegging 10 gallons of Vienna Lager.  Then using the yeast for a Doppelbock/Bock partigyle with a double decoction on the primary mash and a little blending when it’s all said & done to get the OG’s right. It’s going to be a loooong brew day but I love the challenge & have the time. Cheers!!!

nice - jeffy, I’m making Joe P’s Mojito Mead (tho I may just call it a lime mead dependent on the level of mint) over Christmas break - would love to try yours when its ready.

no brewing this weekend - not till Christmas eve  :(

Yes, he was kind enough to send me the recipe, but no mint for me.  I’ve got two bags of fresh picked key limes ready to juice.

I bet that would taste great with a little touch of Sarachi Hop.  I recently had a pale ale made with lime and sarachi that was awesome!

Bottling my oatmeal stout. Will brew something between 12/24 and 1/3, but don’t know what yet.

Maybe when it’s finished I can blend some sort of Sarachi hop beer into it and have an interesting braggot.  I’ll bet a saison would go well…

Bottling a Pale Ale (SNPA clone) and trying to make a recipe for a Pumpkin Wheat Ale.

Just got through brewing a chocolate porter!

Never really made mead before.  Would you ever dry hop with something like Sarachi?

The weather and my schedule are finally cooperating so that I can make my first lager of the season, a German pils.

you would not use hops in straight mead - honey’s expensive why cover it up!  ;D

but you would in a braggot (which is mead/beer hybrid) which is what jeffy was talking about.

I personally would never use Sorachi Ace in anything, but that’s personal taste.

I really like it in Brooklyn’s Saison.  That’s what I was thinking about.  A blend of a beer like that with the key lime mead sounds nice.