Brewing Denny’s BVIP. Been a while since I’ve brewed this one. Don’t know why, everyone seems to like it a lot. Where the heck is Drew, anyway?
I don’t know why, either! ;) Drew’s busy on a book.
No brewing this weekend, but I’ll be doing a doppelbock sometime next week and a Rye IPA a few days later. Just depends on when the yeast is ready.
Czech pilsner with WLP802 Czech Budejovice Lager Yeast…it will be fermenting as the maiden brew in my new lager freezer!
10 Gallons of German Pils settling now at 52F and about to be tansferred and pitched. All Pilsner Malt with 1.5# of acid malt. PH came in at 5.3. Mittelfruher at 90 and 45, Hersbrucker and 15 and going to dry hop with Saaz. YUM! ;D
interested to hear how that tastes in the end.
I meant I don’t know why I haven’t brewed it in so long. I love the English language! Punctuation and all! 8)
Making a Landbier this weekend. I’m using the percentages that Hopfundmalz laid out a while back in a post. “80% Pils, 17% Munich I, and 3% Caramunich.” Thanks Jeff!
SNPA Clone. I know, I know…boring. What can I say, it’s a guilty pleasure ;D
No brewing this weekend as every single carboy and bucket I own is already filled. Going to freeze concentrate the eisbock base I brewed a couple months ago and maybe keg an ESB.
Something that’s about halfway between a single and a dubbel - I guess you could call it a Belgian amber.
No brewing this weekend. Enjoying SF Beer week. Did transfer a keg of pils and starting to carb it up.
Brewin’ a Doppelbock with Munich Lager yeast.
I’ll be trying my new IPA recipe - first time using Calypso hops. FWH Columbus for bittering, Cascade for flavor addition, Amarillo at 10 min, and then Calypso at 5 and 0 min, and Cascade/Calypso dry hop in one keg, and Amarillo/Calypso dry hop in the other keg. Going to do a hop stand for at least 30 minutes. I plan to taste the wort occasionally during the hop stand like slurping soup from a big spoon!
Taking advantage of the lager temps in my basement and brewing a Helles/APA hybrid on Tuesday. Decided on Mosaic/Amarillo/Citra/Motueka for my hops.
Something that’s about halfway between a single and a dubbel - I guess you could call it a Belgian amber.
I called mine “1.6”
Bottling my cream ale this Sunday or Monday (hooray 3-day weekend!). I last brewed a cream ale 4 years ago. First time was an extract kit from a homebrew store in Florida–somewhere around the third or fourth batch I brewed. This time it was all-grain from a recipe, with ingredients purchased from a homebrew store in San Francisco.
Brewing an IPA today.
Getting everything ready to brew an APA tomorrow morning.
An Irish red in prep for St. Pats!
pliny the elder clone for/with a friend
Drew’s “busy” on a book.
fixed that for you!