What's Brewing This Weekend - 2/24 Edition

Spring is showing faint signs of springing… baseball players are beginning the annual rampup to training. What are you, my brewing buddies, doing?

Looking like an Irish Red that will double as a starter for a Wee Heavy a couple weeks later

Trying out the new 6 stage RO/DI water system and doing a Belgian Tripel. Cant wait!

Brewing up a “slightly tweaked” version of Nathan Smith’s Citrus Bomb IPA.  Subbing in Galaxy hops in place of Delta!

Brewing Pliney the Elder clone
Dry Hopping my AmIPA
Bottling English IPA

“Brewing” Apple Pie Mead

man, the mead bug bit me hard

Brewing an English barleywine and kegging an American amber.

Saturday is Michigan Brewers Guild Winter Beer Fest.

Sunday will begin with the consumption of many fluids, vitamins, more fluids, some comfort food, fluids and then I’ll bottle up an IPA

Gonna bottle up some wit beer from the keg and maybe keg an IPA, although that will probably wait till next weekend, or at least till the scottish 60/- kicks and I have a free keg.

Gonna enter contests for the first time this year. starting with the world cup of beer.

Go big or go home…

I may brew something this weekend, an IPA or something with a blend of Citra, Chinook, and Columbus.

10g batch of a Pre Prohibition Lager made with local blue corn grits.

Taking Friday (my birthday) off to brew a CAP that I’m calling Czech Swing Pils, in anticipation of the 2012 baseball season. Going to brew a Munich dunkel on Sunday. Not a bad brewing weekend!

Bottling my Bitter Blonde and brewing a vanilla dunkelweizen. I’m flavoring it by using vanilla sugar as the priming sugar. Going to bottle about a dozen or so with plain sugar to get a side-by-side taste comparison. Using 3638 for my yeast, so it ill be interesting to see whether the vanilla cuts through the yeasty goodness.

Brewing a Scottish Ale on Saurday. Kegging an ESB on Sunday. My cellar is sitting at 60F right now…I think it has hit bottom.

A rye schwarzbier is in the kettle as I type.

Bottling a standard bitter, scotch ale, and smoked oatmeal stout Friday. Relaxing and having a few homebrews this weekend :slight_smile:

Methinks I need more than one carboy!  :o

Me thinks so too.  :wink:

Nothing brewing for me this weekend.  I have to keg two lagers to clear out the chest freezer and make a starter for next weekend.

Very excited for brewing this weekend. Finally got one of my best friends into brewing, we are doing his first batch!!! He has been a long time light (actually ultra light  :slight_smile: drinker. He brewed a few with me and amazingly fell in love with IPA and hops.  ;D

For him we are going to brew an extract Stone IPA Clone.

For me, I am brewing an all grain Schwarzbier.

After we are heading to Firestone Walker Pub for a little brew celebration!

It’s funny how that works. I never liked beer until I had a roommate in college show up on move-in day with a case of Harpoon IPA. I was instantly hooked. I think if it was something light like a BoPils or a German lager, I would have said “yeah, I still hate beer” and never developed a taste for it. But the flavor of a good IPA just blew me away. I was hooked and the rest is history ;D

That sounds really good! Please report back with your impression when it’s done. Cheers!

No brewing this weekend, got ten gallons rolling on Monday. Keg cleaning and maintenance. Think I heard a leaky popet the other day. And I really need to focus on kicking a keg of pale.