Kegging the Belgian Wit and racking the Pyment over to the secondary. Thinking about how I can reuse the yeast from the Düsseldorf Altbier in a couple weeks and working on longer range plans for another Lager hat trick. (Dortmunder, Vienna and O-Fest) Need to dig up Blatz’ Dortmunder & O-Fest recipes & see how I can adapt them to what I have on hand. Heard they’re pretty good…Cheers!!!
I’ll try to get some kegging and general maintenance stuff done, and get my mill cabinet all back together. I picked up a low speed drill to run it too, the cordless one wasn’t cutting it.
I may try to brew an Irish Stout, but that might wait.
Going to do the Black IPA thing Friday night. I know some think it’s wrong, but I’ve quite liked the few commercial examples I’ve had. Oh, and it has to be an IPA as I need to use a large volume of hops in order to make room for all the fish I’m going to bag on Sunday (I hope).
Oh, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with it. Except the name. This needs some work, and I’m not convinced that the CDA or the American Black Ale has universal acceptance.
I just finished turning my kegerator from a commercial snake head tap into a double CO2 line, pin lock connected home brew goodness dispenser. All I have to do now is keg my first batch tomorrow, an extract kit English Bitter.
Then on Sunday, I am brewing a Lefse Blonde extract kit. This will be my fourth extract kit, the first Porter is almost gone, except for one six pack I am storing away for a rainy day, and the third, a Black IPA will go into the secondary on Sunday for another month of love.
Saturday I am going on a private tour of the New Belgium Brewery in Fort Collins, will try not to sob and beg for a job…
2011 batch of Lenten Brew. A group from church brews it. We bottle it together about mid-Lent and it’s ready for drinking on Easter. A new take on Lenten Discipline. (third year for it) We don’t drink the beer that we made just before Lent, during Lent.