What's Brewing This Weekend - 2/25 Edition

End of the month of Love what are you doing to boost the overall positivity of your world?

Me, it looks like I might finall get to build my very own honest to god cold box!

I’ll be preparing to send some entries for NHC which includes some force carbing, bottling and racking. Competition is almost at our doorstep.

Looks like I’ll finally have a chance to get to the Dunkelweizen that was discussed earlier…


Nothing this weekend.  Going to clean and refurbish some kegs and maybe pick up a CO2 tank.

Kegging the Belgian Wit and racking the Pyment over to the secondary.  Thinking about how I can reuse the yeast from the Düsseldorf Altbier in a couple weeks and working on longer range plans for another Lager hat trick.  (Dortmunder, Vienna and O-Fest)  Need to dig up Blatz’ Dortmunder & O-Fest recipes & see how I can adapt them to what I have on hand. Heard they’re pretty good…Cheers!!!

brewing a red rye that’s gonna get 100% funkified with some bugfarm

Going to clean a couple of kegs, keg a rye pale ale, and brew an Irish Red Ale. Gonna be a busy Sunday!

I’ll try to get some kegging and general maintenance stuff done, and get my mill cabinet all back together.  I picked up a low speed drill to run it too, the cordless one wasn’t cutting it.

I may try to brew an Irish Stout, but that might wait.

That’s similar to what I use.  You’re going to love it!  Cheers!!!

Something IPAish for me…

Going to do the Black IPA thing Friday night. I know some think it’s wrong, but I’ve quite liked the few commercial examples I’ve had. Oh, and it has to be an IPA as I need to use a large volume of hops in order to make room for all the fish I’m going to bag on Sunday (I hope).

It’s wet, it’s cold, it’s flavorful, it’s beer… what could be wrong with it other than the name?

Oh, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with it. Except the name. This needs some work, and I’m not convinced that the CDA or the American Black Ale has universal acceptance.

The taste?  Yeah, I’m a curmudgeon…

I did say some think it’s wrong. I was trying not to name names…

He couldn’t possibly be talking about me!

I’m brewing a 1554 clone on Sunday.  Hooray!

I just finished turning my kegerator from a commercial snake head tap into a double CO2 line, pin lock connected home brew goodness dispenser.  All I have to do now is keg my first batch tomorrow, an extract kit English Bitter.

Then on Sunday, I am brewing a Lefse Blonde extract kit.  This will be my fourth extract kit, the first Porter is almost gone, except for one six pack I am storing away for a rainy day, and the third, a Black IPA will go into the secondary on Sunday for another month of love.

Saturday I am going on a private tour of the New Belgium Brewery in Fort Collins, will try not to sob and beg for a job…

Hope to be doing Green Flash West Coast IPA on Sunday, but there may be snow in the forecast…not that I haven’t brewed in the snow before.

2011 batch of Lenten Brew.  A group from church brews it.  We bottle it together about mid-Lent and it’s ready for drinking on Easter.  A new take on Lenten Discipline.  (third year for it)  We don’t drink the beer that we made just before Lent, during Lent.

buggy whips - automobiles
adding machines - computers

I agree with Denny, he is a curmudgeon. :smiley: