What's Brewing This Weekend - 2/3 Edition

you know the drill… what’s buzzing cousin?

Milk Stout!

Just finished up an IPA. Need to bottle some beers for comps and keg an ipa, and start lagerin a maibock.’

Doing a Bo Pils on Friday and a CAP on Saturday so they can coexist together in the nice chilly atmosphere of the fermentation freezer.

I didn’t have anything planned for this weekend but found myself itching to brew on the way to the fox lot this morning. I have some amarillo and simcoe I should use up.

A Pale.    Had a job transfer from South Florida to Southwest Louisiana back in October so I havent brewed since September and I may be a bit rusty. Me, the wife, and kiddo just moved into our new place about a week ago after a long stay in temp quarters. I WILL manage to sqeeze in a brew day on Monday during my 3 day weekend between prepping a garden area and hop yard.

gonna brew a wit beer with meyer lemon and blood orange zest. MIL is coming to visit for her bday in late feb. gotta keep her happy.

Munich dunkel if it does not turn to summer.  Who would think the garage might be too warm the first week of Feb.

Herding judges and stewards for the Best Florida Beer Commercial Competition Saturday.
Hopefully I will have the energy to bottle for the BFBC homebrew competition Sunday.

Moving a Baltic Porter into a rum barrel, which then frees up a fermenter for a California Common.

Nobel pilsner is lagering and my red wheat is still in primary

Hopefully making a barrel stand for my bourbon barrel on Saturday. Then it’s my second annual Super Bowl Sunday poker game. Plenty of poker, chili, football and homebrew.  :slight_smile:

No brewing this weekend.

I won’t be brewing this weekend, but I am going to keg a dunkelweizen and bottle a cider.

Blood Orange makes a great beer! Havent tried meyer lemon but that sounds yummy.  Ive actually even used blood orange zest in a Cal Common boil and then used the meat in the fermenter which I peeled about 8 blood oranges cut them into segments and put them in a pot with 160 water and held steady for about 15 minutes then cooled and added all that to the fermenter. That keg was gone in 1 day!

Need to bottle an all Cascade IPA, and hopefully brew something similar to Evil Twin.


I was thinking about adding some blood orange juice and calling it a bloody wit. Or some midnight wheat and calling is a black wit. If you didn’t add any wheat at all would it be a lack wit?

or a Nimwit…either way

but isnt Wit actually White…so a black wit would be kinda counter intuitive. its a new beer style! haha

Eastern European IPA for me. I have a lot of Rye malt, Polish and Russian hops to use.

Baltic Porter.  I’ve got a big cake from a helles (wyeast hella bock)

This is a killer recipe and I’ve got 3 golds out of it (in 3 comps)… we’ll see what it does at NHC.

Brown Porter going right now. I always brew on Ground Hog’s Day. Sort of an homage to my roots. I grew up in Western PA, pert near Gobbler’s Knob. I actually bottled my first ever brew on 2/2/99!! Looking at my notes today I see it turned out pretty good, hit my numbers before I even knew that was a goal! A stout extract kit that hit 1.011 FG. Not bad. Dry yeast.

APA on Saturday.

Maybe bottle or rack an experimental Maple Porter if I get bored with the SB commercials.