What's Brewing This Weekend? - 4/1 Edition

So, what’s everyone planning for April Fool’s weekend?

I won’t have a new batch of beer to make, but I do plan to start a new cider - still trying to decide between strawberry and blueberry.  I may also break out my smoker for the 1st time this year and smoke some ribs or a few chickens.  :)

I also need to keg my latest batch of IPA and start force-carbonating it.

Working this weekend, not brewing.

Boo!  Bummer, man.

Kegging 10 gallons of American Rye and attending/participating in the Nebraska Shootout, a state of Nebraska brew club competition held every year.  Cheers!!!

Sometime on Saturday, 12gal of Dean Larson’s Celebration, starter made yesterday and its stirring away as we speak.

I might brew up an Oatmeal Stout.

American IPA but we’re substituting German Pilsner for the 2-row we normally use as a base grain.

That’s show biz!  While other people party, we work…

Kegging: Brewce SpringSting
Racking: Sweet William’s IPA

Keezer: Beginning the collar construction.  Yes, I put the cart a tad ahead of the horse… but that horse was effing slow.

Show biz, huh?  What’s your… uh… ‘job’?

Saison du Mont right out of the 2009 Big Brew.

Head audio engineer at a large performing arts center.

I bet that’s pretty fun at times - especially if it’s a band/performance you want to see.

C’mon clock!  I want out so I can go have a beer!

Thought you were ditching that gig, Denny?

I closed my own studio, but I still do the gig at the Hult Center.  Pays pretty well, great benefits.

I grew up in Eugene. Got started at the Home Fermenter Center. Is there still another HBS on Willamette?

The one on Willamette has moved to 13th.  The Home Fermenter Center is where I shop.  Still run by Jim and his wife.

No brewing this weekend. Heading out on a fishing trip with my brothers and dad to celebrate his retirement. But… We are stopping at Two Bros. Brewing on the way back for a tour/tasting and they have a homebrew shop on the premises…

IPA all the way

Brewing a Belgian Wit and bottling an APA