What's Brewing This Weekend - 6/2 Edition

Oh boy! It’s June!

You know what that means! Heat and lots of it.

Whatcha doing in the brewery this weekend?

Brewing a batch of Waldo Lake amber for my wife’s birthday party in July.

Gil’s Helles for my FIL.

Watched Kai’s Decoction video on YouTube, read Greg Noonan’s book, so now I think I’m ready for my first (intentional) decoction brewday!

I’m thinking Pils of some sort…

The hardest thing about a decoction is to start your first one.

If you start to scorch just stop your decoction so you don’t badly burn it and add it back into your mash.  That may not be ideal but your beer will turn out fine.


I will be brewing Bohemian Pilsner this Sunday.
I am going to try single infusion (with Mash Out) with 6% CaraPils.

After reading Noonan and Palmer, I thought about decoction.  Then I decided against it.

I learned that one must stir constantly while heating.  Failure to stir = scorching.
I realized that I’m just too lazy to do that for 20 minutes at a time and for no apparent appreciable benefit, despite what Noonan and others say.
I don’t have the patience for a homebrewer’s version of Miyagi’s “Wax On, Wax Off. Don’t forget to breathe. Very important.” (Karate Kid, 1984).

[FYI:  controversial topic–with plenty of experienced brewers on both sides of the issue].

Good luck with your first time using the decoction method.  Just stir it constantly!

Peach Ale, for those summer months.  Mainly for those friends of ours who come over for happy hour on the deck.

The last of the three beers I am bringing to my Aunts 4th of July party

Brewing a Hefeweizen this weekend.

Classic American Lager has been lagering a few weeks already and the Fullers ESB is going into secondary early next week, the latter is being served on the beer engine.

I’m thinking of a Hefe this weekend and doing the pseudo-decotion that Renner’s article described in the issue before last of Zymurgy —  no stirring necessary !!

I’m embracing the warmth and using the Wyeast Belgian/Canadian Ale yeast and making a Dubbel.  I’m also grooving to Sublime on Pandora.

I work this weekend, so I had to brew today.  Brewed 10 gallons of Blonde, that will become a raspberry blonde.  Then I brewed 5 gallons of Denny’s Rye IPA.  First time brewing two batches on the new system.  Was running one batch into fermenters while the other was mashing.

I will be kegging 40 gallons of IPA and brewing 12 gallons of Saison.

Audible… switching to an Amber so that this brew will be ready for our competition deadline at the end of June!

And amber is my favorite brew after a long day of work… except maybe Optimator…

I’m doing a Bohemian Pils that I’m hoping will be ready by the end of July.

Nothing this weekend.  Next weekend I kick off the Summer of Brewing with a two batch brew day.  After that it’s rapid fire brewing to get the fermenters all filled up before the new baby gets here late July/early August and I need to take an extended break.  I figure I’ll probably have time here and there for some racking and bottling but a brewday might have to wait awhile.

Just a little more research late Sunday afternoon. :slight_smile:

No brewing this weekend… but kegging 11 gallons of Kolsch and force carbonating a Pilsner.

I brewed up a Belgain Farmhouse Ale this morning.

I brewed a hefeweizen on Friday and did my first decoction mash. Everything went pretty smoothly (except that I came in a few degrees high on the F-acid rest), and it’s bubbling away.