What's Brewing This Weekend - 7/2

So what’s the story, morning glories?

I’ve run out of beer that isn’t wild/old/strong, so time to brew I guess.

Well, since 5 gallons each of ESB, REAL American lager and Hefeweizen are going away at the beach party this weekend (along with a keg of Beergaritas) I need to get some stuff brewed up too.

A Wit for sure and I’ll try to get a Summer Rye in. Going to flat out try and copy Mayflowers Summer Ale, it is excellent!

my cork soakin bitter…a nice 4.4% special bitter…

I’ll be working 12-14 hour days from today through the weekend and into next week.  Not even enough time to drink, let alone brew!

Better be careful at the beach Babalu!


Last weeks 100% Golden Promise IPA never happened, so I doubled it and will do 10 gallons this weekend instead.  I am running out of beer very quickly in my household  :cry:

Out of town for my brother-in-laws wedding so nothing this weekend.  I will find some time to rack my APA from last week and start building up the starter for my first CAP next weekend.

I’m considering doing a Porter.

Golden promise
Chocolate malt
Roasted malt

Cascadian Dark or Black IPA - Whichever you prefer  :slight_smile:

i hope black ipa sticks rather than the cascadian dark ale…i chuckle everytime i hear that…not sure why…just sounds so cheesy.

Time to brew a Flander Red for the Ann Arbor Brewers Guild newest barrel - a recently emptied Red Wine French Oak barrel from 2 Lads Winery in northern Michigan. First we filled it the day after we got it with almost 60 gallons of a Saison (what beer goes better with wine?) to pull out someof th ewine character.

Then 12 of us will be emptying this barrel in late August and letting the Flanders red sit for about one year. I recently brought a keg of a similar beer that was aged in the Fermental Order of renaissance Draughtsmen barrel (conveniently housed in my basement) that I had added tart Michigan cheeries to the national Homebrewers Conference, and I must say with confidence that it was an extremly well received beer.

Using the WYeast 3278, lots of corn and specialty grains along with the pale malt, and just a hint of EKG for bittering.

I’ll be brewing Düsseldorf Altbier this weekend.  It will be on tap at my Oktoberfest on 10/9 along with the Märzen that is already in the lagering fridge, the Helles I’ll brew in a few weeks, and Bavarian Hefeweizen scheduled to be brewed on Labor Day weekend.

Dark Mild this weekend…plan on drinking beer more than brewing it this weekend.

I am brewing 11 gallons of APA tomorrow. I have two starters going. Pacman and 1450.

no brewing.  bottling my Am Barleywine and Baltic Porter brewed back in November.  Been meaning to do this for 3 weeks now, but its easy to procrastinate with bottling…

I’ll be filtering a sorachi pale ale tonight and brewing an amber ale Sunday night.  I’m starting to run low as well, something about summer and after softball game parties tends to run my supply low!

After being inspired by the Phiny the Elder clone recipe I think I’ll be trying my hand at that!

Belgian Pale Ale, Oatmeal Stout, Hefeweizen are all done … just waiting for the Belgian Dubbel to chill and then I’m done

probably will be too hot to brew anything the rest of July and August, so apart from the Hef those are being put up for September

Aventinus clone here on Monday.

Brewing a Rye IPA today in the rain.  (It’s much nicer in Tampa today at 76F than the usual lows in the 90’s we’ve had lately.)
Gonna pitch half the batch with US-05 and half with Belgian 1388.  All Cascades.